I'm so excited - I'm finally getting around to making a pieced quilt for my daughter. I actually bought all the fabric, months ago during a Fabricland sale, with the plan to make her a strip quilted cross-body purse. But she needs/wants a quilt in Queen size more.
Her bedroom is decorated in black & white with beautiful apple green walls.
Mmmm, what would look best.........................
Meanwhile.....I'm going forward with the strip quilted purse for her!! It's modeled after her Coach bag.
Same as the quilt top - had to choose fabric placement.
I decided on this - hope she likes it!
This is the backing I sewed the strips to. Just a piece of an old white sheet.
I decided to add a pocket to the lining. This is when I misplaced my brand new, awesome disappearing marking pen!!
I was thusly forced to use the crappy blue chalk marker instead....I hate it because it crumbles & the line is never completely accurate.
So anyway, that's as far as I got.
I have to pick up a slightly longer zipper, this one's about an inch or two short. Or I could hunt through my enormously disorganized stash!! Something I really would like to get at!
I'm not a horder, I just have a lot of stuff I need and or things I can make use of some day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love the colors! Black and white with a splash of color is my favorite!
Thanks Lexi, I haven't quite finished it. My daughter loves it though!!