Thursday, 30 June 2011

Awesome Thrifted Book Deals

The most expensive book was Couture Sewing @ $3.99, followed by Shirtmaking @ $2.99. The rest were all $1.99 each. Gotta love it!
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Thrifted Goodies

Fabulous finds from VV and Sally Ann's. That was a great day! All added to my stash for now.  The brown is an upholstery weight perfect for bag making I think.  Right of that is 5 metres of flannelette, guess I know what all the girls in my fam will be getting for Xmas!  Makes me very happy looking at this pile.  I also picked a bunch of binding & some beautiful burgundy baby Llama wool from Peru.  I got 16 - 50 gram hanks for $8.00.  I bet it easily cost at least that much for each when it was new.  So I'm pretty excited about making a sweater or a shawl with it.  I want to make something I'll love & wear forever.  I get this same trepidation when I get an extra nice fabric - I don't want to be disappointed in the results.  Oh well, anything can be remade I spose.
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Wednesday, 29 June 2011


My sweet little grand-daughter and my son & dauther-in-law came down from Quesnel to visit. It was awesome seeing them. Wish they lived closer to the Ridge.... She's just a bit over 4 months, a very happy and contented baby. I never dreamt becoming a grandma could be so wonderful. My daughter Jo loves being an Auntie too.
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Blog Following

I get so busy with my life and following other people's blog, I end up totally neglecting mine!   I do have some pretty darn good ideas to share, it's learning how I guess.  Sometimes I feel real like a real old school  New things to learn & embrace.